Never Never

I've spent the last days of my youth,
shirking, dodging, refusing adulthood.

Promises of redemption fade with time,
with hairlines, with heartaches and histrionics.

I'm Peter fucking Pan.
A king among children.

Last of a dying breed
of adult runaways.


When my Sisyphean mask fails,
and you are made, at last, to see
the grasping tendrils
of my madnesses;

Will you see me through my naked face,
or will you even hold my gaze?

Is there anything left
of me worth saving?

ne suis-je pas

Paradigm Shift

It's curious how often
lovers look like siblings.


The tears of a hypocrite
are no less sincere--but
good luck trying
to prove it.


Insomnia is just a symptom


Five years wasted,
paralyzed by fear.

Sliding across the earth,
like the shadow of a snake.

Loneliness is the curse,

that gives us the means
to achieve greatness,

the desire to drive us
toward its pursuit,

and the madness to distract us
from its fulfillment.

Grand Testament

I have always been such a fucking coward.


Things are often less costly
to replace than to repair.


Is the shadow,
cast upon your brain,
by the light,
shining through your eyes.


My dreams drag me
out in the open.

All things hidden
find voice in the void.

Misery is Manifold

The spurned lover finds peace
through torture.


Sometimes it hurts
             More than this,
When everything
             I want to be,
Seems so far
             Away from here.
Beyond my reach.
             Away from me.

Memento Mori

I just couldn't help


It has taken many years
to gather the strength,
but now I'd like to look back
across the wreckage of our life together
to find comfort in its idylls.

Yet I find the memories
do not come easily to mind,
like opening a trusted photo album,
and finding many of the pictures
have rotted away.

Worse, kept so long from sight,
they've become pale and
sickly to look upon-
A confusion of sepia-toned

There is no comfort here,
and if there ever was,
it has been lost,
along with so many
other things.
I hope you don't die
before I remember to forgive you.


I still feel guilty
for giving you
the worst years
of my life.