Mortal Remains

Here I lie,
Avoice in the grave.
A bestilled beating.
Regret made flesh.


I stayed up all night
reaching for the stars.
I caught a cold.


The days are filled with black noise,

and at night I dream of my coffin,
a wooden womb for me to crawl in,
and be unborn.


I know a time will come
When all this flesh is washed away,
And all that's left of me will be
What's running through your veins.

Star Maps

Tonight, I made the mistake
of catching up with some old friends,
through their obituaries.
It's long been my policy,
to only grieve for the living.
Tonight, I made an exception.

Dark Matter

After all these years, it still tears me up inside--
this swirling mass of indigestible darkness.
Sometimes it feels like it's my center of gravity,
and all I can do is give myself in, and revolve,
like a lonely satellite,
always to see and never to feel.

And on my worst days,
the only thing that helps,
is to remember how badly
you treated me in the end,
and how hurt you must have been,
to bring yourself to do it.


It would be reasonable to expect,
given the life I've been living,
that I would be more tolerant
of mediocrity.